The following videos showcase various commercials, long form videos and animated elements that were concepted and directed by James Infelt.
This TV ad was produced for the Wartburg Community Symphony's "Onward" Concert. It features multiple layers of composited graphic elements. After extensive research, the goal was to emulate the tone, feel and marketing efforts of large metropolitan orchestras.
This television ad was produced for Upper Iowa University. The goal of the ad was to enhance the brand image of Upper Iowa and to build awareness about their online programs.
A TV ad produced for Memorial Health Systems in Miami with the theme I created "Let Our Experts Care for Your Experts." The concept was to underscore the expertise in healthcare that Memorial Health System provides but also reinforcing that each person and child are all experts in their own right. Notice the camera movement on the beach was achieved by digging a ditch in the sand to roll the camera on a dolly track.
For over 30 years, I worked as a consultant for one of the largest fundraising groups in the U.S. This particular video featured a Bible camp that was built on an island. The original supporters of the camp built a bridge of stones to connect the island camp to the mainland. I built the theme around "Building a Bridge" which weaves throughout the video. I also encouraged the camp directors to talk more holistically about their mission and the impact it provides.
A promotional ad underscoring the benefits of an education at Wartburg College. This was a graphically intensive piece although produced nearly 10 years ago. Heavy compositing and flowing graphics throughout.